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I am a hermit. I inhabit an eyrie. I look down on the resting eagles. I fly with them. There is no sense of time in this journey. Just the gliding of wings through air and the motion of water. Can you look through my layered lenses, open your ears and hear the air moving? Can you listen to the distance with me?

‘Eyrie’ (2015) includes 5 large printed stills from the video installation Eagle. The images continue the process of zooming in through technological means, this time beyond the layered lenses used to create the videos, into the digital viewing of the computer. Details of the eagles features are isolated – beak, feathers, eye – but as the details disappear, the abstracted images seem to highlight otherwise unseen auras. The following text is hand written directly onto the wall:

‘Eyrie’ (prints) is ideally exhibited with ‘Eagle’ (video and sound installation).